Configuration 11: Customized for the Eleven Rack
Discontinued Product
Three Modes, easily switched between using the Up/Down pedals:
- Effects Mode: Turn individual effects on/off in stompbox-like fashion, with state reflected on the pedal LED
- Presets Mode: Easily enter presets A1-Z4 & a1-z4
- Favorite Presets Mode: Allows you to store and recall your 10 favorite presets with the push of a pedal!
Expression Pedals programmed for wah/multiFX & volume. MIDI activity LED. And waterproof labels!
Switch between modes with UP/DOWN pedals.
1) EF: Effects
1) EF: Effects
- Turn Effects on/off!
- Supports 1 MIDI cable (FCB MIDI out-to-Eleven Rack MIDI in).
- LEDs do not automatically update, but they still have state, three in fact: off, on, blip (for unknown effects state).
- The left expression pedal defaults to MultiFX (CC11), but can be switched to control the Wah (CC4) by turning the wah on with Pedal 5.
2) Pr: Presets
2) Pr: Presets
- Enter Presets A1-Z4,a1-z4!
- Enter preset 1-4 using pedals 1-4.
- Decrement/Increment bank using pedal 6 & 7. Bank displayed in 7-segment display. '+' for A-Z, '-' for a-z.
- Pedal 8 toggles between Factory and User presets.
- Pedal 9 is "EF FLashback". When enabled, you're automatically returned to EF mode after a selecting a rig.
- Pedal 10 toggles the Tuner on/off.
3) FP: Favorite Presets
3) FP: Favorite Presets
- Store 10 of your favorite Presets for 1 press recall!
- To store a Preset:
- In Pr mode, select preset.
- Press UP to enter FP mode.
- Press and hold the pedal you wish to store the Preset for about five seconds. The 7-segment display will flash when stored.
- Leave FP mode.
- To recall a Preset, press and release the pedal of your choice. Note that the Program Change command is sent on the release, not the press.
MIDI Activity LED
MIDI Activity LED
- The LED is on when MIDI is sent, off otherwise.
11 FAQ
11 FAQ
What do I need for this setup?
An Avid Eleven Rack, a Behringer FCB1010, and a MIDI cable.
In Pr mode, what does the alphabet look like on the FCB1010?
A little funky, but definitely readable. And much easier than doing some mathmatical conversion in your head to figure out the rig! The alphabet looks like this:
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